Rural Socio-Economics Transformation (RUSET)

About RUSET 2023

Rural communities and rural ecology have undergone fundamental changes in recent decades. Many factors contribute to this transformation, such as development programs from the government and private sector and NGOs, the spread of information technology, development of transportation facilities, increasing levels of education and health, interaction with “outside parties”, and so on.


Rural development is carried out through many means, including agrarian liberalization. This can be seen from the development of transnational plantations which has triggered land grabbing and increased demand for land (Zoomer 2010). Development through liberalization has a negative impact on the environment (Gumilang et al. 2011). Likewise, the development of modern agriculture and industry led to environmental degradation (Baxter 1999). The expansion of plantations also causes changes in the agricultural system in adjusting to villages and the life orientation of local communities (Widiono 2008). Interventions in villages are also carried out by the private sector, such as through CSR and other programs including contract farming, etc. Often the intervention process is carried out through intermediary institutions that connect the village with the outside world where communication occurs. These interventions have certainly brought about structural transformation in villages. This transformation covers various aspects of rural life, such as local institutions, livelihood systems, population structure, ecosystems, and their relationship with land (Dharmawan et al. 2016).


Unfortunately, the social, economic, cultural and ecological transformation of rural communities does not always result in improvements in the quality of life of rural communities. Sometimes this transformation actually causes marginalization of rural communities and worsens their quality of life. Susanto et al. (1992) and Cintamulya (2015) explain that rural communities have many limitations, including low knowledge and capabilities of the community, low economic level of the community, minimal quality of public health, limited access to finance, and limited marketing access for local products. The development of digital technology is expected to improve the welfare of rural communities in this digital era in various aspects. Information and data regarding rural transformation are spread across various places, including research institutions, universities, NGOs, the private sector, etc. Therefore, it is interesting and important to facilitate the exchange of information and data between many parties regarding various aspects of rural transformation. Apart from that, so far there has also been a kind of “missing link” between universities and research institutions and practical policy institutions. In other words, there is a gap between science and policy.


Based on the explanation above, it is important and interesting to discuss various aspects of the transformation of rural life socially, economically, culturally and ecologically. In 2018, the Department of Communication Sciences and Community Development Studies, IPB University held the first International Conference on Rural Socio-Economic Transformation (RUSET). Since this inaugural conference, RUSET has been held every two years to provide a platform for leading scientists, researchers, policy makers and intellectual activists to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of rural transformation. It also provides a premier transdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss current innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges faced and solutions adopted in the field of rural studies.


This conference is a medium to update our data, ideas, concepts and theories about rural life and its transformation. This conference seeks to answer questions such as how has the transformation of social, economic, cultural and ecological aspects of rural communities occurred so far? What forces have been and are at work capable of bringing about rural transformation? What impact will this transformation have on rural communities and their environment? To what extent is science used in designing rural transformation interventions to create a better life for rural communities?


As host, IPB University will host the 4th RUSET with the theme “Building Sustainable and Resilient Rural Society in the Digital Era” on 1-2 November 2023 at IPB University, Indonesia.